Settings ========================== Settings on -------------------------- This apps are required for correct working of Djgentelella .. code:: python INSTALLED_APPS = [ ..., 'djgentelella', 'rest_framework', 'demoapp', '', 'djgentelella.permission_management', 'markitup', ] Follow settings are required .. code:: python MARKITUP_FILTER = ('markdown.markdown', {'safe_mode': True}) MARKITUP_SET = 'markitup/sets/markdown/' JQUERY_URL = None Follow settings are recommended .. code:: python STATIC_URL = os.getenv('STATIC_URL', '/static/') STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static/') MEDIA_URL = os.getenv('MEDIA_URL', '/media/') MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'media/') TINYMCE_UPLOAD_PATH = os.path.join(MEDIA_ROOT, 'tinymce') Optional You can define a default import of some JS an CSS, see section "Using in templates" for more. .. code:: python DEFAULT_JS_IMPORTS = { 'use_readonlywidgets': True, 'use_flags': True } Settings on Database --------------------------- You can configurate some settings on database using django admin views `/admin/djgentelella/gentelellasettings/` - **use_compress_static:** Compress Css and Js to provide less file including several files on one file. - **site_theme:** Path for your theme css, with this you can change the appearance of your site. - **site_logo:** Change logo display on footer. - **site_title:** Change the default title of pages.